An amazing thing happened while Avis Blake-Thomas and Tina Brown attended seminary; their hearts were transformed and their lives were changed, all because of the opportunity they had to thoroughly study the Bible. The Bible, they experienced, is a life manual packed with instruction, revelation, and poetic verses about the love of God and history that exposes the mysteries of God.
As they studied God's Word in more and more detail and began to understand the context surrounding each biblical story, they were drawn into a deeper relationship with Christ.
The Holy Spirit began to consume their hearts in a way they could have never imagined. Then God placed in them both a strong desire to pay their seminary training forward. They were so excited and grateful for what they experienced that they began to imagine out loud how amazing it would be if everyone, despite their financial situation or educational level; those who would not otherwise have the opportunity for this deeper examination of the Bible could thoroughly study the Bible in a way that transformed their hearts and changed their lives.
The Opened Bible Academy was born out of a strong desire to equip a diverse group of disciples to impact a diverse world with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
So, they set off on a journey to develop a strategy for implementing this God-sized vision. This journey included others who shared their vision and who God has used along the way to encourage, mentor, and otherwise help them progress towards training excellence.
The Opened Bible Academy is donor supported to alleviate the financial burden that faces many who want to take their studies to the next level.
The Opened Bible Academy is a ministry that provides seminary-trained instructors to:
Prepare disciples to share the Gospel with a higher degree of confidence
Prepare staff and teachers at local churches to better support their church, city, and world ministries
Prepare students who want to ready themselves for Bible College or seminary